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Start your 45-day free trial and be up and running in less than a minute! Within your free trial you will get access to the following CareAcademy Classes:

CARE0705: Personal Protective Equipment for Home Care
CARE0706: Overview of COVID-19
CARE0107: Working with an Aging Population
CARE0700: Maintaining a Clean & Healthy Environment (Infection Control) 

Step 2: Get started with CareAcademy!

Top Agencies We Work With

“CareAcademy is at the forefront of caregiver education. While in-person training will always be valuable, providing convenient, high-quality training makes a huge difference to caregivers.”

Kevin Smith, CEO, Best of Care

Complete Your Account  

If your company is already using CareAcademy - Login instead.

*Limit one entry per person. Caregivers who enter qualified agency administrator contact information will receive a $5 digital gift card by email within 7 days. 

Enjoy your 45-day free trial! You can start training your caregivers today, satisfaction guaranteed.

What's Next?

Spread the word - Get $5 

Share your agency admin's contact information, and we will send you $5! We'll reach out to your boss with an invitation to learn more about CareAcademy to help you get access to our 400+ classes and resources. We'll help you get the skills you need. 


If training has been assigned to you log in here