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Caregiver Education: The Path To Solving the Caregiver Shortage & Improving Outcomes
Benchmark data & proven tips for how to measure & improve your caregiver outcomes during these times
About The Webinar
As the U.S. population ages, there are several major challenges facing the health care industry — including home health care — such as the nationwide workforce shortage crisis and a transition to value-based care. Join Helen Adeosun, CEO and co-founder of CareAcademy, for a session that will challenge attendees to consider education’s role in keeping up with future workforce needs and improving client outcomes.
During This Webinar, You'll Learn How
Learn how to use education to build a pipeline of talent.
Learn how to tactically implement upskilling/career ladders to increase caregiver retention.
Understand current academic research which shows how knowledge of caregivers impacts clients living with Alzheimer’s Disease and those going through heart failure.
This webinar was originally presented on:
September 17, 2020
What People Have Said About CareAcademy
“CareAcademy is at the forefront of caregiver education. While in-person training will always be valuable, providing convenient, high-quality training makes a huge difference to caregivers.”
Kevin Smith, CEO, Best of Care
Helen Adeosun, CEO and Co-Founder of CareAcademy, has had a career in driving outcomes for adult learners. She has worked with Teach for America, Boston Public Schools, and Pearson Education as well as a number of companies focused on caregiving issues. She holds a B.A. from the University of Notre Dame in Politics and Arabic Studies and an EdM. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Education Policy and Management.
About Your Host
Helen Adeosun -
CareAcademy Founder & CEO