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On The Giving Of Care: A Conversation with Dr. Aaron Blight, Founder, Caregiving Kinetics

Wondering how your organization can find and keep the best care professionals in an increasingly competitive labor market? 

Join us as Dr. Aaron Blight, Founder of Caregiving Kinetics breaks down the components of caregiving and reviews the implications for the employment of care professionals.  

About our speakers
Dr. Aaron Blight
Founder of Caregiving Kinetics
Dr. Aaron Blight is an international speaker and consultant on caregiving, aging, and healthcare. He is the Founder of Caregiving Kinetics and Co-Creator of the Caregiver Transformation Retreat. Aaron’s passion for supporting caregivers is rooted in 1) his prior work as the owner of a large home care company and as a healthcare policy leader at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2) his study of caregiving as a phenomenon of social science, and 3) his experience as a family caregiver. Aaron was recently recognized as a “Top 100 Healthcare Leader” by the International Forum on Advancements in Healthcare. Dr. Blight is an international speaker and consultant on caregiving, aging, and healthcare. His book, When Caregiving Calls: Guidance as You Care for a Parent, Spouse, or Aging Relative, received a 2020 Best Indie Book Award. He is the founder of Caregiving Kinetics and serves as an Adjunct Professor of Healthcare Management and Public Health at Shenandoah University.
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