Anne Tumlinson leads the nation in setting the direction of aging and disability policy. She founded ATI Advisory, a DC-based research and advisory services firm that works to reform health and long-term care delivery and financing for the nation’s frail and vulnerable older adults. Anne also founded and runs Daughterhood, an online and in-person community that connects family caregivers with each other for support and information.

Anne shares her research and expertise with a wide array of policy and business leaders. She has testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Senate Aging Committee and has appeared before the Congressional Long-Term Care Commission and the Bipartisan Policy Center. Anne advises payer, provider, and financial leaders on strategic development and growth opportunities. She writes regularly about innovation in healthcare and aging, contributing to Health Affairs, Huffington Post, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News, and Aging Media Network. 

Anne serves on the Aetna Medicaid Advisory Panel and the Caregiver Action Network Board of Directors and is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. In 2018, Anne was named an Influencer in Aging by Next Avenue. 

Anne spent her early career working in government, first as a healthcare advisor to Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and then as the lead for Medicaid program oversight at the Office of Management and Budget. She joined Avalere Health in 2000, leading the firm’s provider practice and developing business intelligence products for 14 years.

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