Online Personal Care Aide (PCA) Training for Agencies
CareAcademy offers Personal Care Aide training to comply with state requirements. Personal Care Aides and other home care workers are encouraged or required to take initial and ongoing, annual training depending on the state. The CareAcademy Personal Care Aide training solutions are intended to rapidly re-skill and upskill workers enabling them for employment. Training includes the fundamentals of providing personal care and companionship to older adults residing at home, equips learners to support those with common, chronic conditions, and enables learners to provide personal care.
Video scenarios present realistic and relatable examples of in-home care situations.
Highlight the correct and incorrect approaches to performing tasks and handling situations.
Through storytelling and other instructional techniques, we infuse soft skills throughout our trainings. Even for “hard skills” (e.g., assisting with feeding), we demonstrate not only the step-by-step procedure but also how to communicate compassionately, professionally, and effectively.
Meet state PCA Training requirements with auto-Assigned classes
Classes cover a broad range of relevant topics, including:
Courses Included
Maintaining a Clean & Healthy Environment (Infection Control)