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Improving the livelihood of LGBTQIA+ seniors and announcing our partnership with SAGECare

With concerns about their safety and quality of care, many LGBTQIA+ elders must choose to hide their gender identity and/or sexual orientation to survive in the healthcare system. This webinar is about understanding what makes older LGBTQIA+ seniors feel the way they feel and how we can help serve them. We’re also excited to announce our partnership with SAGECare! SAGECare is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ older adults by providing LGBTQIA+ competency training to service providers. This partnership allows us to provide agencies like yours with content for administrators and caregivers with knowledge surrounding the LGBTQIA+ community. You will take away how your agency and caregivers alike can provide more equitable environments for our LGBTQIA+ populations.

About our speakers
Aaron Dun
Aaron brings nearly 20 years of experience running marketing programs and developing Go To Market (GTM) strategy for high growth venture funded companies and publicly traded global organizations. Aaron was instrumental in creating the HCM category as part of SaaS innovator Softscape, and led the launch of pioneering AI-based recruitment marketing platform Previously Aaron served as the VP of Product Marketing for Datto, a pre-IPO Vista Equity-backed “software unicorn” (a company having achieved a valuation of $1B or greater), was the SVP of Marketing for SnapApp through its Series B investment, and the Chief Marketing Officer for Intronis where he led a repositioning and re-packaging of the company’s product line driving accelerated growth and ultimately leading to the company’s successful acquisition by Barracuda Networks.
Kerry Burnight
Founder, Gerontologist, Inc
Dr. Kerry Burnight is a gerontologist who served as a professor of Geriatric Medicine for 18 years at University of California, Irvine. Burnight co-founded and directed the nation’s first Elder Abuse Forensic Center and the national non-profit, Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse. For 5 years, Burnight served on the executive leadership team of GrandPad, a technology firm connecting over 100,000 adults using custom-engineered tablets. She led a team of colleagues ages 82-106 who uncovered thousands points of frustration and solutions to overcome those frustrations. Kerry Burnight is the founder of The Gerontologist, Inc, an advisory firm for companies serving older adults and is a guest expert on programs including CBS news, The Doctors, the Dr. Phil Show, and Money Matters. She received the US Attorney General Award and her work serving older adults.
Tim Johnston
Senior Director of National Projects, SAGECare
Tim R. Johnston, PhD is the Senior Director of National Projects at SAGECare. In that role he oversees the SAGECare cultural competency training program, the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, key aspects of SAGE’s housing initiative, SAGE’s diversity and equity initiative, and national partnerships with other advocacy organizations. Tim is the author of Welcoming LGBT Residents: A Practical Guide for Senior Living Staff which is the first comprehensive book on how to create a positive and safer experience for LGBT older adults in senior living settings. He serves in several advisory and leadership roles, including on the governing board for the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, as a council member for the LGBT Aging Issues Network (LAIN) of the American Society on Aging, and he regularly represents SAGE as a subject matter expert on academic research teams.
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